Image via Wikipedia
A chemical 'locha' as per a famous hindi movie or something more...
Why do we feel emotions.. How?????
It's such an interesting topic yet never thought about it till now....
According to Wikipedia....
An emotion is a mental and physiological state associated with a wide variety of feelings, thoughts, and behavior. Emotions are subjective experiences, or experienced from an individual point of view. Emotion is often associated with mood, temperament, personality, and disposition.
Emotions is what we feel.. Right???
Sometimes then, if the same situation/person presents itself infront of us at different times why do we react differently.
There would be many examples where our feelings or emotions were different for a person one day & after sometime without any apperent change in status quo, the feelings changes.
Sometimes you feel a rush of emotions & at other times you are cold. Why?
What happens if an emotion like love is not reciprocated?
It can many times take life. Is emotion that strong chemical 'locha' that it can cause someone to take anothers' or one own selfs' life....
Why is it that on certain days when one gets up, is singing & on another growling at everything coming infront of it!
May be I don't understand emotions atall or 'am completely ruled by it!
Why can't there be a standard for behaviour.. It would make life so simple & easy... Maybe a bit boring too.. But still it may just help!
You have rightly put the nature of emotions! Yes, we can't assign a standard pattern or behavior for emotions. But, it is my long intention to be a witness of these emotions, without getting attached to them. That way we can watch them playfully and be a little distant from the daily turmoil they create!