Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Past Imperfect!

Past, has most of the time, brought a smile on my face. I cherish my memories of the 'good old days'...

I used to wonder, how will it be, to be able to relive/re-experience the past.
Then came along social networking sites like Orkut & FB.
Soon, there was a flood of know/some-what known faces.
A lot of 'networking' on social networking sites later, I got back in touch with many of my old friends (some foes too, but thats a different story & will come back to it later)... Many, I would have never found, but for the social networking sites.

Many 'conversations' followed. Chats, mails, sms, phone calls... Distance suddenly became immaterial. I entered my past with gay abandmonment, to relive it all over again.....

But, life is all about moving on... The initial euphoria died its own death. The friends remain & will for ever but, the equations have changed.
It is sometime difficult to take in that friends who were so close once, have become aquintence. Some, surface only when it's time to wish on an occassion. Few, don't even do that!

Let's stay in touch, I guess has become the most common, never followed line.
Yet, there is a silver lining.

1 comment:

  1. Well, it is strange how little i remember from my past, for a few days not i have been trying to station by station to remember people from my past and find them on Fb and you know what i remember very few names and even fewer faces ....


Time Zones