Sunday, January 29, 2006

Job Search Oh My God!!!

I never knew job search could be so neck breaking...
I have been working for quite sometime to think that I have see a lot of the corporate world... Even have shifted jobs few times with no hassles.. They were always there before I asked for it.. In short a pretty easy going life for me.. Then one day somethjing happened and boom my life changed I resigned with no other job in hand....
And my search for an "Ideal Job" started.... It has been more than a month n I'm still searching.. The other day an article on the front page of the newspaper made me laugh for a long time n people around me actually thought that I have gone insane under the pressure of trying to look for a job!
Actually the article was about the dialemma faced by companies looking for "deserving" candidates to take in... It said there are lots of jobs ready to be grabed enough number of resumes flowing in but not enough number of deserving candidates.... Well hear I was one of the so called "deserving candidate"( a name given to me by my previous employers) without a job!..
Or was it that I had become once upon a time deserving candidate.. and that waqs not good enough anymore..
I donno... well but my search for a good job is still on.. well sometime i think the terms we use are so subjective.. like desrving, good etc etc.... well another day tomorrow lets see what does it have in store for me....


  1. Hmmmm... the terms sure are relative, but another aspect to them is we put too much value to comments made by people who may actually not mean them. What i am trying to say is not that you or me or any one else is not deserving or something but that... what you think of your self is more important than what you current or previous employer did....

    For the search for a good job... i read in an article some time back.. "that most people wish for their jobs to give them satisfaction where as a job is not supposed to satisfy you.. you are supposed to satisfy a job entrusted to you".. i would not say i totally agree with this but yes that is one school of thought...

    I too have had 3 jobs and get paid considerably well.. but am not sure if this is what i want... but what i may feel i want today there is no saying for how long i will want the same thing...

    so dear... the search will always be on..always... so the best part is to start enjoying the search...the destinations are just pit stops...

  2. read the article you posted on job hopping


Time Zones