Thursday, March 22, 2007

Most Ridiculous Fortune!

I'm sure all of us, even the non believers look at the future predictions at least once if we come across it.
I'm no different!!

So I tend to read my fortune on Orkut everyday..
Today I almost died laughing coz the fortune was the most ridiculous one I have even seen!
It Goes..

Today's fortune:
You and your wife will be happy in your life together
Time: 10.35 A.M, Date: 23rd March 2007

Well first and the most important point, I belong to Venus so I think having a wife now or anytime in future is almost impossible untill unless I plan to change my sex or my preferences, which seem most unlikely as on Today!

The second point is that I am single and donot know when will get married.

So this seems a BIT 2 far fetched or some wrong calculations

Whatever it is, it did make me laugh for a long time!


  1. so thinking abt sex change :D

    btw how couldnt u find shantaram in del...... ????
    abt bbay another book u shud surely read is maximum city

  2. That was cool... :D... I do also read my fortune most of the times, especially at airports when I have nothing to do.... I end up reading what is in store for me.. even though I dont belive a word..:D

  3. i dont believe in any form of
    predictions, though i won't mind peeking into them(on orkut or in the tickers) when and wherever
    i see them.


Time Zones