Thursday, February 22, 2007

My Fortune!

My Today's Fortune as per Orkut.

Date: 22nd Feb 2007, 4.45 PM

"The luck that is ordained for you will be coveted by others!"

Date: 23rd Feb 2007, 4.55 PM
Today's fortune:
Luck is coming your way
Good Joke!

Date: 26th Feb 2007, 10.35 AM
Today's fortune:
You are next in line for promotion in your firm
A BAD Joke esp on a Monday Morning....

Date: 26th Feb 2007, 4.15 PM
Today's fortune:
A good time to finish up old tasks
HaHaHa.. A good one.. I suffer from the most deadly disease know to mankind.. Procrastination
Seems like Orkut guys read my blogs too.. A good way to get back at me!


  1. it is coming your way.
    Just open your eyes.

  2. I hope you are not "thinking and keep thinking" about this fortune thingi :)

  3. Oye... I think after that thinking thing, now its turn for orkut fortune teller bug for you.

    Wake up!!!

  4. ya, a'most everyone has that

  5. How about the fortune cookie - "Society prepares the crime and the criminal commits it!" the day you crash into a car on the road that was going on the wrong side? These Orkut guys have learnt the tricks from Nostradamus it seems!


Time Zones