Wednesday, February 21, 2007

This post doesn't have a title coz I can't think of an apt title....
Can you suggest something?

I am reading a novel these days.

I was on the lookout for this one for a LONG time and could not find it in Delhi.

Should I be surprised or should have expected it?
After all the book is about Bombay(I still prefer to address the city by it's old name).
The city I have fallen in love with.

I am reading Shantaram these days and I'm liking the way the author describes the city.

The way he has described his first brush with the city when he landed there is so similar to my first day in that city, full of apprehensions, new dreams and desires and a bit of fear.

That city embraced me willingly and displaced all my apprehensions and fears.

In most of my conversations I find myself speaking about Bombay.
I have been in love but the love I have for Bombay is much deeper and stronger than my love for an individual.

Crazy, isn't it?

But when have I claimed that I'm sane?


  1. I still have to read that novel. Not finding time to read it somehow. Will surely look at this place for more about Shantaram.

    About love about a city, I think it is for the people and culture there as a whole. I still have to explore Mumbai, hoping will get to do it very soon. :)

  2. its nice 2 c someone who loves bombay so much, we all bombayites do

  3. ya you turn nostalgic recounting the days spent with the city..
    rewminds me of agra, where i spent jus a yr,,but still i go back there,in my thoughts...


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